Lucius Basil was born and lives in the Garden of Eden, a cultivation paradise created by his parents, the monarchs of the Basil clan. However the Basil clan is at war with their rivals so Lucius must grow up by himself and one day aim to return to his clans side and help win the war. Join Lucius' on his journey to collect all the primordial runes and reach the peak of the universe.
- as Lucius Bas
- f Basics of
- ic Cosmologic
- ri Qi Gatheri
- Lazarus
- ou Breakthrou
- e Skin like
- f School of
- Cr Arts of Cr
- Alchemy
- th Blacksmith
- Delilah
- o 11 years o
- di 5 Primordi
- al Devils Cal
- Bakre
- Rebecca
- y Picnic by
- an Avarice an
- K The Gold K
- w Sparring w
- e The White
- an Wolves Fan
- s The ruins
- gi Inner Regi
- io Core regio
- dd Royal Wedd
- Rage
- ho Metamorpho
- er The Sinner
- ge Gold stage
- es Bloodlines
- P Johnny's P
- Training
- Wo Warring Wo
- Hazmit
- o Hazmit's o
- ra The Libera
- al There's al
- g Absorbing
- Ar Anxious Ar
- l One Small
- tr Moon Destr
- r Slaughter
- Fo Reasons Fo
- se Life Prese
- d Blood and
- Of The End Of
- dl Elf Bloodl
- d Music and
- g Advancing
- ck Black Rock
- ol Common Col
- nn The Tyrann
- g See if I g
- Lycoris